
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Maybe Relevancy Isn't the Problem

I've come to a conclusion.. There is nothing wrong with the change to relevancy. Think I'm weird? Think again.... After posting perviously my "views" have not changed.. They still have little if any "views". So why do I not see the problem with the change to relevancy anymore? It's really quite simple. I believe that in the process of changing everything up on etsy some how the view counter got messed up or is only counting a certain kind of "view" but not neccessarily all the times someone looks at that specific page. For instance..
This item has "0 views" yet it still manges to have a "<3" (someone added it to favorites.) It is impossible for someone to favorite an item without ever even looking at it! So obviously it has been being looked at and someone liked it enough to <3 it. (Which we all love :)


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